Friday, January 29, 2010

Clearly See Your Future

What do you want in your future? Everybody wants to be successful. The only problem is that when somebody asks what that success means, they think about it and say, “I want to make a ton of money, live in a huge house, and have expensive cars.” What does success really mean to you as a person? Leave out the material wants and desires. Material goods won’t get you to where you want to be, but success and significance will. We need to clearly see what we want if we truly want to reach our life’s goals and live our dreams. We need to clearly see our future in order to make it through life’s difficulties and mishaps.      I believe each person must paint their own person of success. For one person, it might be building an enormous business; for somebody else, it might be giving away all his or her belongings, moving across the world, and helping starving children. For one person, success might be to become the number one in sales in his or her field; for somebody else it could be raising his or her children to the best of their ability.
     We all have different desires. I believe this is why we must make a dream list. Make a list of what you want to accomplish, who you want to become, what you want to learn, how you want to help others, where you want to travel. Then, you pick and choose the pieces of this puzzle and put together what success is for you personally. I want to make a difference in the lives of others through my speaking and writing. That is just a part of what success looks like to me. There are many more parts to what success is to me, including: spiritual, family, relationship, financial, and health to name a few. What is your picture? What areas of your life mean the most to you? Can you see it? Can you dream it?
     I hope you can clearly see your future. If you can clearly see what you want, the process is insignificant. If you clearly see what you want, the biggest obstacles only seem like speed bumps. If you clearly see your future, the fears and failures seem much smaller. If you clearly see your future, you will put in the work, you will make the changes, and you will build the habits to have the success you desire. Clearly seeing your future is a great way to help keep yourself on track. Sometimes the path is muddy, slippery, foggy and difficult. Sometimes you might not be able to see the end of the road even if you squint and strain your eyes. Close your eyes, imagine what the future will hold for your when you succeed (not if but when you succeed). Clearly see your future, and no matter what the struggles, you will make it there!

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