Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dont Loose Track Of Your Future

Most of us lose sight of our goals from time to time. At times, the road gets too foggy to even see the path. This is one main reason few people reach the heights they desire. Seldom do we go on a trip through this amazing life we’ve been granted where the road is smooth, there are no roadblocks, and no tolls. Often, we have to pay the tolls, hit the potholes, and detour around the roadblocks. I believe that is what life is about. Life asks the question: can you keep your thoughts on the destination, and not get caught up in the journey?

Don’t lose track of your future. Don’t talk about what you don’t want. You receive what is uppermost in your mind. If you constantly complain about the situations you are in, they will most likely get worse. If you constantly look for solutions to the situations you are in, you will most likely find them. It’s that simple. Keep your eyes and thoughts constantly fixed on that which you want, and that which you want will eventually appear. It’s not usually easy, but if you constantly think about what you want and where you want to be, your chances greatly improve. Concentrate on your goals. Contemplate upon the person you want to become. Fill your mind with how you want to positively impact your life and the lives of others. Ponder what you want your life to be and, sure enough, if you keep to your plan, you will end up where you have always wanted.

I have found that by putting my future goals and aspirations into my dream journal, it is easier to remind myself of who I want to be and where I want to go. I have all of my short- and long-term goals in my dream journal. I bring my dream journal with me everywhere. When I am waiting in line somewhere, I am looking at who I want to become. When I am waiting for the dentist, I am flipping through and adding to my dreams. If I find myself early for a meeting, I am going through my short term goals and dreams and see if I am on track. One of the most powerful ways to stay motivated and hit your goals is to keep your goals and dreams always in front of you.

I hope you can keep your goals and dreams in front of you. I hope you have already made a dreams list. If you haven’t, stop what you are doing. Take thirty quick minutes and do it now. Write them in a notebook. Make that your dream journal. Always keep it with you. While I’m on a plane, before I get going for the day, or whenever I’m waiting, I’ll look through it, and think about what I have to do to live the life of my dreams. This way, my dreams and goals are constantly in front of me, and I never forget what I am working towards. I challenge you to start your own dream journal today. Keep it with you. Continually add to it. Remind yourself of your goals. Don’t forget where you are going and who you want to become. It is easier to stay on course when you continually know where you are going, and what you are working towards.

We are all so richly blessed. Don't waste what you have. Don't forget where you are going. I challenge you to develop a dream journal. What are you goals? What are your dreams? Who do you want to become? Next week, I will give you some insights on what I have in my dream journal. Life isn't about sitting by and watching, it's about knowing what you want, who you want to become, and working towards that! God Bless You!

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